My name is Nancy Antenucci
(A.K.A. "Nucc")
The core theme of my life is exploring how energy moves through rhythms and patterns. All things Tarot, seasonal changes and excavating inner landscapes are just some of the ways we experience ourselves as energy.


I am self taught and have met the most amazing teachers and colleagues along the way. Tarot, however, is my greatest teacher and muse. Its 78 classrooms help each of us develop our human spirit potential. My practice extends over decades in the Minneapolis/St Paul area. I work with individuals as well as businesses and organizations in surfacing new and effective strategies.
I have authored two books with the intention of building strong readers, creative leaders and folks of all walks of life. My first book, “Psychic Tarot – Using Your Natural Psychic Abilities to Read the Cards” is a compilation of 30 years of showing others how to develop their own Tarot language and trust that inner guidance. This is an effective first book for the new Tarot lover.
The “Tarot Rituals – Ceremonies, Ideas & Experiences for the Tarot Lover” presents nearly 100 rituals designed for the solitary practitioner as well as for groups. It is a step for those who want to take their Tarot journey deeper.
I express creative spirituality through reading, teaching, movement, theater and transformative ritual. My former career as a professional dancer/choreographer has become a foundation for leading groups and creating different formats of storytelling. A studio is still my weekly lab to discover ways to embody the energy of Tarot.
"I had several sessions with Nancy Antenucci of Between the Worlds, and they have given me insight, courage, feelings of empowerment and validation, and things to look forward to when times have been very bleak. Also there have been HUGE, immeasurable benefits from her helping me with my family issues, the meaning of my life, etc. over the past several months. I continue to listen to my recorded sessions periodically! I highly recommend her services."
-Alan S.

Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY
Kingston Tarot Lenormand Conference in Kingston, Ontario
Chengdu Arcana in China
Readers Studio in New York City, NY
Northwest Tarot Symposium in Portland, OR
Bay Area Tarot Symposium, CA
Women’s and Spirituality Conference, MN
North Star Tarot Conference, MN
A Creative Force behind Twin Cities gatherings such as

My group - the Twin Cities Tarot Collective (TCTC), has evolved from years of gatherings with my students and peers. The Collective creates a variety of formats to experience Tarot for all levels of Tarot lovers. Thru the TCTC meetup, there are monthly workshops including my immersive Tarot experience – the Tarot Sandbox. Every February, TCTC offers the cyber Human Be-In, a full day of all kinds of divination and the esoteric arts. In spring, the North Star Tarot Conference is an in-person exploration. A major focus is exploring the Major Arcana pair of the current year. North Star is known for its diverse approach to Tarot with various teachers.
For six years, I presented visualizations for the different faces of the Goddess. Our source was the Dark Goddess Tarot deck. When fully edited, Ellen Lorenzi-Prince, Melani Weber and I will offer this concentrated work of visualization and unique spreads to the public.
My dream is to bring the Tarot Sandbox immersive experience to fortify local communities. My expertise with groups and creative Tarot structures produce strong connections for oneself and others. I would also like to work/play in a multi-generational group of storytellers and movers to inspire people.